Mentions class

const mentions = new Mentions(data: Message, addon: Addon, guild: Guild);


The constructor of the Mentions class requires three arguments. The first argument must be an instance of the Discord.js Message class and provides the required data for the mentions. The second argument must be an instance of the Zyno Bot Addons Addon class and defines the addon where the mentions class should be created for. The third argument must be an instance of the Zyno Bot Addons Guild class and defines the guild where the message with the mentions was sent in. This is being used to create new structures.



A boolean which defines whether there was sent an everyone or here tag in the message.


An instance of the Save class which provides the members who were mentioned in the message.

Save<id(string), Member>


An instance of the Save class which provides the roles which were mentioned in the message.

Save<id(string), Role>


An instance of the Save class which provides the channels which were mentioned in the message.

Save<id(string), TextChannel | VoiceChannel | CategoryChannel | StageChannel | DirectoryChannel | ForumChannel | ThreadChannel | DMChannel>

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