Role class

const role = new Role(data, addon, guild);


The Permissions class provides three required arguments. The first argument is the Discord.js Role class where it can collect the data from. The second argument is a Zyno Bot Addons Addon class of the addon where the role belongs to. The third argument is the Zyno Bot Addons Guild class of the guild where the role belongs to.



The id of the role and is a Twitter snowflake.


The name of the role.


The role as a string mention for in a Discord channel.


An object which provides the hex and the base10 color of the role.

    hex: string;
    base: number;


A boolean which defines whether the role should be displayed separately from the members or not.


The position of the role compared to the other roles where the lowest possible position is 0.


An instance of the NodeJS built-in Date class which defines the time when the role was created.


A number which represents the timestamp of the time when the role was created.


A boolean which defines whether the bot is able to change this role or not.


The Zyno Bot Addons Guild class which defines in which guild the role belongs.


The id of the guild where the role belongs to.


An instance of the Discord.js PermissionsBitField class which defines which permissions members with the role have.


A boolean which defines whether the role can be mentioned by others or not.



role.setName(name: string, reason?: string) : Promise<Role>;

Updates the name of the current role. The function returns a Promise which returns the Role class once the Promise has been fulfilled.


role.setHoist(hoist?: boolean, reason?: string) : Promise<Role>;

Displays the role separately from the members or makes it display equally with the members depending on the value of the hoist argument. The function returns a Promise which returns the Role class once the Promise has been fulfilled.


role.setColor(color: string | number, reason?: string) : Promise<Role>;

Changes the color of the role. The function returns a Promise which returns the Role class once the Promise has been fulfilled.


role.setPosition(position: number, reason?: string) : Promise<Role>;

Changes the position of the role compared to the other roles. The function returns a Promise which returns the Role class once the Promise has been fulfilled.


role.setMentionable(mentionable?: boolean, reason?: string) : Promise<Role>;

Changes the mentionable status of the role. The function returns a Promise which returns the Role class once the Promise has been fulfilled.


role.setPermissions(permissions: [bigint], reason?: string) : Promise<Role>;

Sets new permissions for the role and overwrites previously set permissions. The function returns a Promise which returns the Role class once the Promise has been fulfilled.


role.delete() : Promise<void>;

Deletes the role. The function returns a Promise which will be fulfilled once the role has been deleted.

Last updated